Cookies3D proudly presents the “Quick Window Tool” for 3DS Max. 😉
I decided to go one with some modeling Work on my Neverending “little” 3D City Project. It has changed so many Times over the Years i never can count it.
But this time i go in the Battle armed with some new selfmade Tools. 😉
I found that one of the most annoying parts in the whole modelling Process for the City that i made so far was the Process of modeling the Windows and Doors. So i coded this little 3DS Max Tool to make this Process much faster and easier.
Atm im working on the Code to let him spit out some Material ID’s for the Window/Door Frames and Glas. So i can apply a Multimaterial to it.
Basically it does a bunch of Bevels , Insets, Extrudes and so on. Everything is adjustable in the Tool.
This is a very PRE ALHPA Stage of the whole Thing. Here are some Screenshots: